Machine Shop Excellence

Welcome to the Technology Benchmark for Machine Shops – your interactive guide to excellence in manufacturing!

Tell me more about the benchmark

The manufacturing world is experiencing an exciting phase of evolution.

Machine shops have a fantastic opportunity to boost their business by adopting the latest technologies. This wave of cutting-edge innovations can help you gain a competitive edge, make your operations more efficient, and satisfy your customers with remarkable precision and effectiveness. Essentially, it’s about transforming traditional manufacturing into a more productive, versatile, and customer-centric future.

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About you

First, tell us a bit about you

  This is an anonymised technology benchmark.

Privacy: Any data you submit remains private and managed inline with the our privacy policy . We will only use the information you provide to personalise your experience and provide further information on request.

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Why is adapting to change important for machine shops?

Currently, the machine shop sector is undergoing a fundamental reshaping due to advancements in technology and various external factors. Adapting to these changes is vital for survival and success. The key lies in harnessing the potential of new technologies to stay ahead and meet the future needs of your customers, ensuring your business remains agile and efficient.

How can the Technology Benchmark for Machine Shops assist you?

Understanding where to start or continue your journey in innovation can be tricky. That’s why we’ve introduced the Technology Benchmark for Machine Shops. It’s designed to help you assess your current position and provide clear, helpful guidance on achieving excellence. This tool is your stepping stone from traditional, paper-based operations to a digitally-enabled, smarter future.

What is the Technology Benchmark, and who can benefit from it?

The Technology Benchmark isn’t just for the big manufacturers; it’s for machine shops of all sizes and shapes. Our aim is to build a global community of machine shops driving innovation. This benchmark serves as a guide and a basis for future reports that will showcase the transformation in the industry. It’s about giving every machine shop a chance to excel.

How does the benchmarking process work?

The process is anonymous and being used by machine shops globally. It takes less than 10 minutes and offers you an instant comparative view against your peers.

What do you gain by participating in the benchmark?

You’ll receive a downloadable infographic of your results, sparking new discussions within your business. Additionally, you’ll get a roadmap guiding your next steps towards Machine Shop Excellence.

Let’s embark on this journey together and propel your machine shop to new heights of success and innovation!

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